Our Children’s Bible Story Time

Every day before bed, my husband reads the children a Bible story or two, or three! They took a little while to get used to it when he first started, but now they love it. First they read from the Beginners Bible then as they got older we moved to Good and Evil – a comic book type of Bible. As they finished that, they then went on to read The Illustrated Bible: The New Testament and are currently going through The Picture Bible. These last three all have cartoons so the kids love it, but also have a lot of information. Now that our youngest is toddling around I read him the Beginners Bible while the older two read with Daddy so that he can enjoy it more at his level, and they are not disturbed.

 I took these photos the other day when we had a lot going on. Clint had to go somewhere so he couldn’t do Bible study with them, and I was behind and was still washing the dishes. So I asked Caleb to go and read the Bible to Hope. A few minutes later I went to check on them, and they were sitting like this, both snuggled up in Daddy’s armchair, his arm around her, holding their cups of hot chocolate, with him reading her the Bible stories. It was so sweet!!

I am very thankful that my husband has researched and bought these Bibles especially for that time, because it has made my son interested in reading them for himself. He reads them for fun, and knows loads of the Bible stories. When I think about it we are so blessed to have all these different kinds of Bibles available to buy when some countries aren’t allowed to have any Bibles. I figure we can’t really go wrong buying them lots of Bibles because the more they are interested in them, the more they will read them. Then more seed will be sown in their lives that hopefully will bear fruit if we also teach them what it all means, live the right kind of life for them to see, and pray for them.

Sometimes it is hard to see past the everyday things that are part of being a stay-at-home mother and homeschooling. But it is times like in these photos when I see a glimmer of light. Because it is through my teaching him to read that my son can read the Bible, and it is through my husband buying and reading them Bibles that they have come to enjoy and know the stories so well. ‘And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?’ Romans 10:14

4 responses to “Our Children’s Bible Story Time

  1. Making bible study enjoyable for your kids is awesome! How blessed they will be!

  2. This is soooo precious! 🙂

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